The World Of LankyBrit

Where any thought matters

Lanky Goes Forth ! Jobless

The day that I had been anticipating for a few months had finally arrived. Monday, The first day of my final working week in the U.K.  Now as it happens the whole week went by and sure there was plenty of well wishes and handshakes but as I left work for the final time I had that anticlimax feeling. I have only been with the company two and a half years so I wasn’t expecting a gold watch or nothing, .however, perhaps it was me but things seemed a little too underwhelming. That feeling only lasted but a few moments before a little wry smile took over

It`s Sunday …..  MY very LAST Sunday in the UK .. HEHEHE..  I HAVE STARTED TO PACK…  I now am in full on excited mode . It`s actually finally happening . It`s like the whole ambiance has changed . It feels mighty good too. There is nothing in my week ahead that is going to be remotely taxing or stressful apart from seeing my girls for the last time but that aside I AM READY . I can honestly say I have no fear, apprehension,reluctance or any other negativity about doing this. Is this wrong ? Should I be feeling something other than happiness and positivity for the future ? I don`t know. My  way of thinking is that if I wasn’t feeling how I am now, 100% sure this is the right thing for me, Then I probably shouldn’t do it but as it is  I welcome my future with hooting horns ,flags, lots of whooping it up and of course open arms.

SO LETS DO THIS I say BRING IT FRIGGING ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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